As cigar aficionados we appreciate the finer things in life, but we do tend to wander a little off the beaten track with our eclectic tastes. Who better then to represent our many idiosyncrasies than Sir Hipster, a gentleman of breeding with excellent discernment in fashion, music, and a preference for boutique cigars.
Sir Hipster Cigar Dagger features a supremely captivating head in triple tone with a copper-tone hat, silver-tone head with coiffed beard, and brass-tone, thick rimmed glasses. He has excellent eyesight, he just wears them for effect. He has decided on his brass pipe for this evening’s soirée but is just as happy with a box of excellent Tatuaje Brown label. Brass and silver tone elements complete the look.
We suggest you accompany Sir Hipster with a suitably classy boutique smoke, might we suggest Long Live The King from Caldwell? Or a beautifully crafted Farce from Room 101, because remember, if it’s worth nubbing, it’s worth nubbing well.
Stainless Steel Pick | Standard size of 4.25 inches
The Sir Hipster Cigar Dagger nubber comes with a protective end, velvet pouch and gift box.
*All of our Cigar Dagger Nubbers have a sharp pointed end; please keep out of reach of children.